
17 August 2024 / Club News

2024-2025 Membership Subscriptions

Help us to celebrate our 80th season in style by becoming a member! The Club's annual membership subscriptions are now due for the 2024 - 2025 season.

Current members should receive the new cards, if not already recieved, within the next few days. 

We would be grateful for prompt renewal of subscriptions, as this is an important part of the Club's revenue stream.

There is a choice of three categories of membership to choose from: Patron, Vice President &  Member. There are also two payment options, you can either send a cheque payment in the return address envelope or pay by Bank Transfer (BACS) to the Club's Account details as featured in the membership card. 

If you are a current member, we thank you for your continued support. If you would like to join the Club, please get in touch via the 'Contact us' on the drop menu on 'The Club' on this website or pop in to the Clubhouse & ask for a membership form.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Athletic Park during the season, thank you - diolch!



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