
10 June 2024 / Club News

Early in the Morning Project

In 2023, Carmarthen Athletic RFC and Award Winning Technology Company Aspire 2Be were thrilled to announce that funding for a groundbreaking project, aimed at promoting & preserving the Club's historic sports museum had been secured.  

The collection of sporting memorabilia, which boasts national and international significance, was to undergo a transformation, making it accessible to a global audience while engaging 9 local schools and their community in a unique heritage initiative titled; The Early in the Morning Project. 

The museum, founded in 1967 after the UK ‘Foot & Mouth’ epidemic restrictions prevented the New Zealand All Blacks touring rugby team from returning home with their leather playing boots, has been a hidden gem in Carmarthen for many decades. The physical relocation of the club, economic challenges, changing socio-economic behaviours, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have left the museum isolated in its own clubhouse, with its importance largely unknown to both visitors and the local community. 

Carmarthen Athletic RFC, in collaboration with Aspire 2Be, sought funding to undertake a multifaceted project that saw professional research carried out as well as the cataloguing of all museum exhibits, providing detailed background information on each item of memorabilia, its connection to sporting legends, and its relevance in the world of sports.

As part of the grant funding, schools visited the Club and Carmarthen Library to learn about the sports stars. Once knowledge had been developed, each school then received recording equipment, including iPads, tripods and microphones and were guided in using these tools to capture the essence of the museum’s most iconic pieces. Pupils delved into the rich history of sports, immersing themselves in heritage while developing digital skills. 

Education Lead at Aspire 2Be, Ryan Evans stated that “We crafted and designed this heritage project, directly linked to the new Welsh Curriculum, ensuring it involves all teachers and pupils from 9 Carmarthen based primary schools. Pupils researched, scripted, filmed and edited videos showcasing the iconic items from the museum. The videos you will find on this website celebrate the local community’s involvement in preserving this invaluable sporting heritage”. 

To mark the culmination of this ambitious project, a celebration event was organised at the club, involving pupils, parents, teachers, civic leaders, press, and club officials. This event promoted the project, unveiled the club’s virtual museum, and recognised the significant contributions of Carmarthen schools, their staff, pupils, and local library staff.

This landmark project has given new life to Carmarthen Athletic RFC’s Sports Museum, ensuring that its historic significance is not lost to future generations. By engaging the local community, especially children, and embracing modern digital technologies, the project has cemented the museum’s place in Carmarthen’s heritage. 

Speaking on behalf of Carmarthen Athletic RFC, Museum Curator Wynne Jones, who has been involved with Carmarthen Athletic RFC in various capacities for around fifty years, mentioned there has always been a sense of pride for the unique selection of sporting memorabilia which has grown significantly over the last thirty years but “The ‘Early in the morning’ project is the perfect way to preserve the collection, in a digital format for posterity. Particularly pleasing is the participation of young local school children who will learn new skills and contribute to the project.” 

For more information, please contact: Ryan Evans, Aspire 2Be 

 Please take a look at our new Museum Website via the following adress -

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