Authors include Club Museum in new book

Newport author Neal Heard, accompanied by colleague Jack Carlson, were welcomed to the Club on Monday 4th November by Officials Wynne Jones & Nigel Herbert.

The purpose of their visit was to discover some rare rugby shirts in our Museum’s collection and take photographs, to be included in a new book which is scheduled to be published next year. Neal has already been successful with a previous publication called ‘A lover’s guide to Football Shirts’ which remains available for sale on Amazon & other outlets. The new book will be titled ‘A lover’s guide to Rugby Shirts’.

His friend Jack a native of Boston in the USA, is equally enthusistic about  original and rare sporting shirts in this case rugby. Jack is also knowlegable about the apparel and was quick to identify the crests/badges of some obscure countries.

Neal said ‘ We travelled west today hoping to discover maybe four or more rare shirts, but we have both been surprised and delighted to find around forty shirts which meet that criteria at Carmarthen Athletic’. Both guests spent around three hours photographing the shirts in preparation for inclusion in the new book.

We wish Neal & Jack the best of luck with this latest project and look forward  to  seeing the book!

Pictured opposite: left to right, Neal Heard, Wynne Jones, Nigel Herbert & Jack Carlson.

Paul is on a flying visit

It was a pleasure to show a visitor from the USA around the Clubhouse today (Monday16th September) with the particular focus  on our Museum of Sporting Memorabilia.

Paul Roberts’ grandfather emigrated from North Wales to America back in the day, and settled in Minnesota in the Upper Midwestern region of the United States.

Paul was born & bred in the new Country but is proud of his Welsh roots. He is retired from his IT business and during his carreer, he had worked for some of the largest technology Companies in the World.

In 1979, Paul was educated at Trinity College Teacher Training College in the ‘Old Borough’ and he fondly recalled his visit to the old Athletic Clubhouse in Friars Park during that time. He was amazed at how large the collection had grown during the last fifty years and he praised the quality of the items on display.

After visiting Wales on a few occasions, he has taken delight in walking the Wales Coastal Path. He is heading West to Pembrokeshire to continue his quest to complete the entire walk. Enjoy your visit Paul and we hope that you are blessed with good weather during your adventure.

Pictured opposite: Museum Curator Wynne Jones welcomes Paul Roberts (left)  to the Club.